ACT icon smallActions for Businesses

Create Permeable Surfaces including Rain Gardens:  Permeable pavements, rain gardens, vegetated buffer strips, retention basins, and infiltration catch basins facilitate stormwater infiltration that reduces runoff and increases groundwater reservoirs that feed wetlands and small streams in periods of drought. Such groundwater reserves also provide cool water to help sustain cold water species. Rain gardens and vegetated buffers infiltrate water and provide plantings that increase ecological value and sequester carbon.

Landscape with Native Grasses, Pollinator Plants, and Trees:  Trees sequester and store carbon, moderate temperatures and provide critical habitat, and they enhance the visual landscape. If trees must be removed due to disease, aging, or other requirements, plant new trees.

Educate Employees about Local Climate Impacts and Mitigation Opportunities:  Encourage employees to look at NRWA Climate Impact website and to take appropriate actions.

Set Goals to Become a More Climate Resilient and Sustainable Business:  Take a look at your business and see if there are ways to reduce your water and energy usage, improve your recycling to reduce waste, or prepare a plan to protect your business from a climate disaster, like flooding. View the Devens Climate Action Toolkit for Businesses, from the Devens Enterprise Commission, for many ideas on how your business can become more resilient and help your community become more sustainable.


Download NRWA's Climate Impact Action List for Businesses (PDF).