Restoring Riverbanks Throughout the Nashua River Watershed

The Nashua River Watershed Association is proud to be partnering with the Merrimack River Watershed Council on a project focused on creating resilient riparian buffers, or riverbanks, to help protect water sources throughout the Merrimack River Watershed. As a part of the Merrimack River watershed, the NRWA received a subaward in May of 2021 to implement riparian resilience projects, which involves riverfront restoration efforts, sharing educational information about climate-resilience practices, and increasing connections with landowners across watershed communities in Massachusetts.

A primary goal of this initiative is to plant native tree and shrub species in riparian areas that lack a well-vegetated buffer. By restoring shorelines along our waterways, the NRWA seeks to reduce water temperatures, manage riverbank erosion, filter runoff or pollution, sequester carbon, and enhance native biodiversity. Additionally, invasive species removal efforts through this program will help improve growing conditions for newly planted seedlings and allow existing native species to thrive.

As the season shifts into late summer and early fall, our staff is ramping up restoration efforts to take advantage of ideal planting conditions. Both public and private properties can qualify for native seedlings, so the NRWA wants to hear from you!

Do You Live Next to a Sparsely Vegetated Stream or Riverbank?
You May Qualify for Free Native Tree and Shrub Seedlings!

The NRWA is seeking public input on potential planting sites along rivers, streams, and tributaries throughout the Massachusetts portion of the Nashua River. If you own a property in the watershed that abuts or encompasses a waterway with a sparsely vegetated or unvegetated bank, and are interested in learning if you qualify for free silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) or silver maple (Acer saccharinum) seedlings, please contact us! Please note that well-vegetated or forested areas do not qualify at this time.

Our staff is happy to follow up on public submissions or suggestions for restoration sites. However, the following questions can help you do a quick initial check to see if your property might be a good fit for our restoration program:

  • Do you own property in Massachusetts within the Nashua River Watershed? List of Watershed Communities
  • Does your property abut or encompass a river, stream, or tributary?
  • Are some or all of the banks of this waterway unvegetated or sparsely vegetated?
  • Are you interested in improving the ecological health and climate resilience of your land?

If you believe your property may qualify for native tree plantings under this restoration initiative, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at the NRWA or (978) 448-0299 for additional details and information. 

This work is funded through the “Resilient riparian forest management protects source water in the Merrimack River watershed” project led by the Merrimack River Watershed Council under a US Forest Service Landscape Scale Restoration grant.